Journalism at Its Finest
by GrayVII

Initially I'd been enthusiastic for my new job as a journalist for a local channel, but my enthusiasm had wavered when they introduced to how they hazed new recruits, I was bound and gagged to an office chair and put in a small recording studio with a green screen at chest height if you were standing of course.

I sat in the room for quite a while, before anything happened, then finally two people came a technician, a skinny guy in his early twenties, he was one of the guys who'd tied me up and the woman who did the sign language news for the hearing impaired, a woman in her late thirties she was quite pear shaped most of the fat she'd gained over the years manifested in her wide hips and massive bottom, though her gut was pretty chubby as well, she wore a dark pink sweater and black pants which had wedged up her butt showing a crease where her crack would be.

"I really must thank Bill for buying me that large bucket of chili." The woman said patting her stomach.

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll like that, but now take your position."

"Okay" BUURRPP she said before burping loudly in the technician's face "sorry dear, that one slipped out"

"No matter Bella, as my mother used to say better out than in, now please places!"

The woman walked toward me breasts bouncing at every step, she didn't see me because I was in the shadow of the green screen, she walked to a yellow circle on the ground and then turned her back toward me, the technician set up some lights, messed with some equipment to her left and then he grabbed me and he rolled me and the chair to just a few inches away from her butt.

I was getting a front row view of her ass and while from a distance it already looked big, it looked massive from up close, either one of its cheeks was bigger than my head and the entire thing was easily twice as wide as me, I hoped the hazing didn't involve her sitting down on this chair because that would snap me in half.

"Hey hun whatcha doin' back there."

"Just setting up some lighting for the green screen, no need to worry." The technician said as pushed me an inch closer to her backside "There perfect!"

The technician walked out of the room and couple seconds later his voice came from the speakers, it was a bit muffled from behind Bella but still audible "Just gonna run a trial run of the news first, okay Bella?"

"O....K." Bella burped back.

With the jingle the newscast began, I could barely hear anything of the news as it was played softer than the technician's voice and Bella's stomach had started rumbling, Bella herself paid it little mind she was listening to the news and mumbling to herself, somewhere in the middle of the news she started scratching her ass before stopping and

ripped a big trombone fart in my face she sighed in relief and I sat there in disgust and hoped that this was a one time thing, that she wouldn't fart more than once.

I had barely finished that thought when her butt-trumpet sounded again, her farts stunk of beans and cheese probably indicative of some of the ingredients of the chili she had eaten, I struggled to get out of the line of fire but I could barely turn my head and doing so didn't really help.

She giggled as she let out a small torrent of flatulence in my face, the smell was starting build up in the little room, but the trial run was almost over and there was no way she'd break wind while doing the news in sign language, luckily the news jingle sounded again meaning the broadcast was over and trial run was too.

"That's it, you got all that Bella or do I need to run it again?" When the technician said this every fibre of my body prayed she'd say she got it and they would start recording.

"Nah, I got it Craig" (thank god)

"You sure Bella? We've got more than enough time to run it again." (Craig you son of a bitch, I'll fucking kill you!)

"Honey, just start the recording would ya?"

"Okay" Craig said with very obvious disappointment in his voice "ready when you are."

"Just one second" Bella said before bending over slightly pushing her buttocks closer to my face
and ripped her biggest fart yet right in my face, it was ridiculously loud and fluttered my hair with its force "I'm ready let's go!" Bella said with gusto.

"Alright starting in 3 2 1" Craig said followed by the news jingle, I could tell Bella was signing away as I saw her arms move, her ass jiggled whenever she made lavish gestures and apparently I'd been right about her not farting while recording as she hadn't ripped one so far.

"Alright that was the introduction and starting summary, you didn't make a mistake as far I saw and you were on pace, anything went wrong according to you?" Craig said when Bella stopped signing.

"No everything's fine" she replied

"Alright next story one: latest news on the county elections starting in 3 2 1"

As she started signing again I thought that this kind of hazing was less awful than expected when they bound and gagged me, six farts to the face and watching a coworker's behind jiggle is not how I like to spend my days but it's not unbearable.

A big fart jiggled her bottom and warmed my face, "Excuse me!" Bella said embarrassed by her sudden emission.

"What are apologizing to me for, not like I'm in there with ya."

"Doesn't it ruin the take?"

"If ya apologize it does but as long you keep a straight face, mouth and sign the stuff the newscasters say you can drop as many butt bombs as you want, the camera only records video, no sound or smell." This wasn't something I wanted him to tell her, I now had to wish she had an incredibly visible tell for whenever she farted.

"Is that good?" She asked after farting in my face, "It's completely unnoticeable, Bella." he replied, having his enthusiasm rekindled "I'm gonna start the take again and remember you can let out as many of those rippers as you like."

"Got it!" PPRRrrtt She said gleefully ripping another one for comedic effect probably, but the humor was lost on me, as I would be inhaling a lot more flatulence from her large backside.

At first I figured she didn't have any more gas as she didn't fart for the rest of the take and I wasn't the only one as Craig sounded very disappointed when he said the next article would start, but a minute into this new take her stomach rumbled again and my last glimmer of hope was destroyed.

A loud short trumpeting fart, followed by one that sounded like someone letting the air out of a pressure tank and a little prattling fart at the end, the last one must have surprised or hurt her cause her backside jerked away when she ripped it.

But at the end of the take I heard something I definitely didn't want to hear "Uhh.. Can you do that take again, you pulled a funny face midway through." Craig said making my spirits drop and my anger toward him rise.

"Yeah sorry one of them hurt on the way out." Bella said apologetically.

"A bit too much info Bella, just keep a straight face, kay? Starting in 3 2 1."

No less than twenty seconds into the second try, two soft cautious farts came from her ass, followed by the beastly fart they were a part of, this one sounded real nasty, like a wet fart mixed with some sort of very messed up trumpet, it didn't smell great either, the familiar stench of beans and cheese had received an addition in the form of rotting onions a new color of stench on her rancid palette.

She continued ripping farts for the rest of the take and the temperature in the small room rose, sweat was pouring across my face and mixed with my tears, partly caused by my despair but mostly due to my eyes stinging from her constant flatulence, my despair grew as her stomach started making more noise implying more food being digested.

This take probably only lasted like five minutes but it seemed like an eternity to me, her constant flatulence tormenting me and stretching every second into an hour.

I tried to struggle free but they'd tied me up real tight and I couldn't even move the chair away from my colleague's bottom but when I calmed down I figured the news was almost over meaning I wouldn't be inhaling her farts for much longer.

Another big blast of gas jiggling her backside announced the end of the take and then Craig lifted my spirits even further...

"Alright Bella ready for the final part?"

"Hey Craig" Bella said breathing heavily "I'm sweating my ass off can't I wait till it cools down in here?"

"NO!.. uhh no, they need this done quickly and the temperature is kinda your fault isn't it?"

"Can I at least lose some clothes?" Bella replied

"Well the camera only records you from the midsection up, so you could take off your pants." Craig said stifling a chuckle afterward.

"Yeah, that would cool me off and I feel some big ones coming so it saves my pants as well." Bella replied eagerly.

Bella jerked down her pants, inadvertently freeing the stench that was trapped within, the stench made me gag and close my burning eyes praying for the end of my life or the hazing either would work.

When I opened my eyes again, I witnessed a sight which matched the smell in terror, Bella's massive asscheeks still bouncing from her rapid pants removal and glistening with sweat, at first I thought she was not wearing panties and shivered at the memory of how wet some of her previous farts had sounded, but on closer inspection realized she was wearing a thong it was completely submerged in her bum, but I could see the top part at her lower back.

Bella was idly scratching her backside before she suddenly grabbed one cheek tightly and pulled it away from the other, she let out a long and loud whining fart which proved her farts stunk a lot worse without pants.

"Alright last segment in 3 2" Craig said before getting interrupted by a very loud guttural roar, "Was that your stomach Bella?"

"Oof! ...yeah" Bella replied while her tummy continued rumbling and growling.

"Are you ok?" Craig said with some genuine concern in his voice.

"I'M FINE! J-just give me a sec." Bella said in pain.

While Bella was moaning in pain, her gut continued bubbling and rumbling and her practically nude buttocks started closing in on my face, I turned my head to the right to avoid getting my nose up her butt and to shield my eyes from whatever was making its way through her bowels.

Her backside has started quivering and brushed against the exposed side of my face, her butt felt burning hot despite being soaked by sweat and I got a good whiff of the decrepit stench that hung about it, its vileness burned my airways.

Her moaning had turned into grunting and the rumbling had gotten closer to me as it now seemed to originate from her rump, I knew that it was gonna happen soon and closed my exposed eye to shield it.

With a loud moan of pleasure she released what had been brewing inside her, it erupted out if her ass with a loud trumpeting and hot gas with what I hoped to be sweat splattered over my face.

As her fart-gas was spewed over my face, I noticed something in my peripheral vision, a red blinking light to the right of us, with massive amounts of trouble I managed to focus my blurry vision on it and backed up by a chorus of flatulence I saw it, a camera!

(Oh god! These fucking assholes are recording this! They're gonna pay!)

Her three minute long fart came to its sputtering end and she sighed a sigh of relief, her backside still fumed with her vile gas and the room was blanketed in her nasty stink.

"God damn Bella! That was enormous." Craig said, excited by my horrible predicament.

"Thanks, now how about that last take?" Bella replied, she sounded proud of what she'd done, I doubt she knew I was there or that her ass was being filmed.

"Sure... Starting in 3 2 1"

Her ass was back to its original position and I decided to turn my head to the left so they wouldn't get the satisfaction of me looking in the camera.

I had hoped that big one spelled the end of her flatulent ways but evidently it did not as her farts returned louder and with more force than before.

While being bombarded I suddenly heard a different type of gas expulsion, a burp.

"Hehe sorry... Let's take it from the top again." Bella apologized

"Alright in 3 2..."

"Hold on for a sec."

She put her hands stomach, stuck her butt out and grunted a bit.

A soft squeaker came out of her ass lasting 20 seconds before stopping.

"Ooh! That's a stinky one" Bella said pinching her nose, stinky was a bit of an understatement as I soon realized when she attempted to wave the smell away and inadvertently blew it all in my face and everything went black.

I woke up later same room, I had been untied but I still reeked of farts and sweat and I was fuming, not only with her gas but with anger as well, they were gonna learn never to mess with a wizard.