Hannah and Janna: Bemusement of Booties
by AmericanWonton


The puny man threw his head to the side as he came careening down into the other pit. He heard the ravenous laughter of his tormenters outside; like hyenas, cackling with ever distraught breathe he brought upon them with his insignificant size. “Nice catch!” he heard the one called Hanna say. “Here, send him back!” “No way!” cried the Giantess Janna. “He’s far more comfortable in MY booty. Right John?” John cried out in fear, seeing the massive mound of brown bubble around his body-he was sized maybe around a pea around her mighty asshole.

FFFFBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTRRTTTTTTTT! As the mountainous fart blew forth, Janna closed her asscheeks, letting the horrid ripper tear through the man’s soul. He screamed, swallowing 5 seconds of fart from a Giantess, inch by inch, through nostrils not designed to handle her flavors. Janna laughed, feeling the man slowly slip downward along her booty cheeks from where the fart blew him upwards. He nestled neatly along her asshole, whimpering and squirming as her rotten bean flavor soured his taste buds. “No more… no more please...I’ll talk.” Janna heard him say to her bootyhole. “Let me see him, Janna come on!” called Hannah, moving to pry apart her Giantess sister’s mighty buttcheeks. She slapped her hand, moving to pry the man from her asscrack herself. “Not so fast, Hannah. Our friend here would like to tell us something.”

John dangled amidst her two fingers. Janna held him just out of reach of her spread asscrack. Besides that horror, he saw everything. Giantess Hannah, smiling with a sinister giddiness. Even without the trait of a Giantess, she had a meaty torso; a large white booty, orange hair, and a red shirt-very comical seeing her undersides were bare. FFFFFFFBBBTBTPPRROOOIIRIRRIRIRITITIIPPPRIITTT! He cowered in midair, as Jenna’s booty spoke underneath him. Meanwhile, the Giantess asked him: “you were saying, butt plug?” John gagged through the cheesy fart, seeing his Giantess smile. This one was blonde, with a blue shirt, and similar skin tone to her fellow Giantess. The poor human had thought it to be a mirage when he saw the two lone ladies walking in the desert. They were so pretty...from a distance. It wasn’t long until their true size and nature revealed themselves to him. “Th-there’s a garden, just about 50 miles east of here,” said the human, pointing down the desolate desert road where his lone gas station took held. “And west?” asked Hannah. “A-an amusement park, but...but I think it’s closed today.” He hadn’t time to rethink his statement before Janna tossed him into the air.

Amidst his screaming, Janna interjected as she caught him between her buttcheeks. “‘Might be closed today?’ My tiny little friend, that’s a lot of unanswered questions to give your betters!” “Wait, wait, I’ll decide this!” said Hannah, smiling at her sister. “Send him my way!” Jenna rolled her eyes, yet sighed, angling her booty in the air as her sister opened her asscrack. “Okay...you call it!” said Hannah. Janna shot her a look. “Call it?” “Yeah, call it! Heads or tails!” Janna let the confused look rest on her face as she farted. PPPPPPTTRRRRROOOOOOPPOOOOOOOOOTTTTT! The evening air was fouled by a broccoli soaked fart and the screams of a desperate tiny man flung through the mist. Hannah giggled, clapping her asscheeks shut with her hands as he landed. “Heads is Amusement park, tails is garden!” she said. Janna smiled, now guessing her game. “Heads.” Hannah’s asscheeks opened; inside, the man’s screams were buried deep within her bootyhole, his legs furiously kicking side to side. The two Giantesses laughed as they set off for more of their brand of amusement.


Pandemonium set in slowly. It was evening, resting upon a pinkish orange dusk in the sky. The atmosphere slowly took on a new heat, as the Giantesses slowly pranced onto the park asphalt. FFFFFFFFFBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUTTTTT! PPPPPLLLLLLLLLRRRRUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBTTTTTT! They chuckled, having no coyness about their arrival. As the smell hit the audience of tinies, screams and fear passed to one person, then another. Some, either horror struck or hopeless, went unnoticed under the weight of their stomping heels.

The fun of the chase was slowly revealing itself to the respective Giantesses. Hannah blocked the right side, watching the tinies scurry towards a place of refuge on one end. Janna blocked another, watching her side of patrons flee and point in terror. That is, save for a few gentleman callers, sitting beneath her feet. “Spare us, your Giantess!” “Please, they know not of your beauty!” “Let us worship you, please!” Janna shot Hannah a smug look as they praised and kissed her feet. “It’s only cuz’ you’re closer,” Hannah remarked with her own smile. Janna giggled and turned; the young gentleman realized their dire mistake of past knowledge of a Giantess. Her foot scrunched one poor soul and within a few moments, the poor souls stared down her mighty, spread asscheeks and winking hole. BBBBBBBBBAAAAARRRRRLLLTTTRRRUUUUUPPBBTTT! “Ahhh,” Janna exclaimed, watching behind her as the boys were launched against a nearby building. “You go on ahead. I’ll catch up.” Hannah gladly did, as Janna slowly backed into the trapped souls begging for mercy behind her encroaching booty.

It was a mistake to let the stragglers in. They hadn’t gotten the memo, still screaming and sprinting into the Mirror House entrance while the rest of the party huddled. A few objected it was too crowded; others whispered for them to hush. The footsteps were just outside and getting closer...closer. In unison, every soul was silent as Hannah bent down to peer into the entrance. “I see you…”, she sang. And they saw her, wide green eyes and red curling lips. Then, large, winking anus, as she shuffled to press her booty against the front entrance.

Everyone exploded, tasting the smell of her massive butthole already creeping in on their breathing space. The desperate ones sought to close the gap between her booty and freedom...but ended up crushed against the poles and her asscheeks. FFFFFFARRRRRRRLLLTTPPPPOOOUUUURRRRRRTTTTTT! “Ahhh!” the Giantess exclaimed; her rugged, wet fart sent ass juice and noxious salami fart into the screaming crowd. Hannah watched as the tent bulged; it drew a few laughs watching the poor souls run from place to place, crying as they smacked into the trick mirrors. She grunted, unleashing more bouts of flatulence. PPPPPPPAPPPARRRRRRRROOOLLLPPPRRROOOOOTTTT! FFRRRRRRRMMMPPPPRRRRAATTTTTTTTT! BBBLLLSSSSSOOH-FFRRRPPSSUUPPPTTTTTT! Hannah chuckled, as the last fart brought a stream of liquid poo she’d been saving for such an occasion. She pushed, listening past the sharts as the Mirror house slowly turned into a house of horror.


Janna felt a little disappointed by her venture to the left side. Still, fun was left to be had. Although she had the shorter patron number to torture, the experience was far more livid than the body count.

“Your ride...ouughhh!...is here, hahamm…”. The adult pair huddled together as her asshole pinched off the massive, brown turd along the chute...a long line of stinky creations the Giantess had replaced with the original log funnel rides. The boyfriend puked, upon whiffing her grand creation. Janna laughed, picking him up to dangle beside her asscrack. “What’s the matter, sweetie? Would you two rather go into the tunnel of love?” His girlfriend screamed, as the Giantess shoved him closer to her gaped, shit covered anus. FFFUUURPPUUURPPPBBRRBB! A bubbly fart met with no friction from her innards to catapult into his face. Janna chuckled as his own screams went silent-dead or unconscious, she cared not. “Best strap him in tightly,” she noted. His girlfriend again screamed as he was shoved face first into the log of shit, with her soon after.

“All right folks...are we ready to ship off?” The line of shit logs packed with patrons gave her screams of protest, vomiting, or plain, deadly silence. Janna chuckled and said to herself: “way more fun.” The patrons screamed as she splashed the water behind them, sending the line of shit logs slowly down the track.


The young woman felt no remorse as he elbowed the older woman ahead of her to escape the shit pile. She screamed in horror, but only for a moment, as the trail of shit crept over her body to swallow her whole like liquid magma.

At the exit, the girl collapsed to the ground, looking back at the devastation behind her. Hannah had filled it...all of it...with her shit. It poured from the sides, with no sounds of life anywhere...visually. The screams of the slowly dying still trapped inside was ever present. For a moment, the young woman questioned the point of escaping, having to deal with the scenes she’d behind her. The poo, crawling forth like a blob monster, reflected on each mirror, at each angle. When she turned her head in remorse, the horrid smell was all it took to convince herself she’d made the right decision. She walked slowly, wearily towards the exit flaps...when suddenly, the ground beneath her shook.

The booty fell expertly with the force of a skyscraper. The girl screamed and moaned as she face planted...the familiar sting of shit smell crept back into her mind. No, there it was, embroidered on the gaped, murky brown anus, clutching mounds of shit against her bootyhole. “Ready for the REAL funhouse?” the Giantess voice boomed. The girl whimpered, watching the red innards of her anus slowly expand...bringing large, brown friends with it. This time, with nowhere to run, she simply let the excrement take her slowly to the souls of those she’d abandoned. In her final breaths, she could tell if the mush crushing her was her fellow humans or more shit.


“Ohhh….mmmm….”. It really was quite dull this time. The few souls trapped in the bumper arena simply accepted their fate as she flipped the top open and seated herself. Either that, or they were dead on impact. “Haaaa...yes.” FFFFFFBBBBRRRRRRAAAARRPOORROPPPATTT! Janna peered down into the bumper cart area, where her mushy logs coated the entire driving range. She heard a few estranged gurgles...and the struggle was over. She sighed, taking a resentful taste of her own brand. Hannah came bounding over and Janna allowed her fellow Giantess to try and lift her spirits.

“You didn’t,” Janna said, smiling at the whole arrangement. Hannah giggled, crawling along the play area she had created. Mounds of her own poo lined the edges of the ride. In the carts, waiting for circular motion, were troves of frightened passengers, stuck to their seats with tucked in bits of feces. “I think they just need a push to get going!” Hannah said, bending her booty towards one cart. “Come on, let’s see how fast we can get them to go!” The cart’s patron’s screamed, as her asshole surged forth in their direction. PPPPUUUTTTTTTTTTTOOORRRUUUURRRBBBTTTTTTTTT! Hannah exclaimed and the cart shot forward, barreling at a speed the machine’s mechanisms were not prepared for-into a pile of shit no engineer could have designed for human safety. Janna chuckled, as the patrons groaned and screamed with the force of the impact-she nearly couldn’t find them with the extra “shit passengers” they’d picked up. “Move over, let me get that side,” she told Hannah.

FFFFFLLLLRRSPPPPPSSSSSHHHOOOOOTTTTTT! BBBRRRUUULSLSLSLPAPPHHHRTTTTT! FFFFFFBBRRUUUUAAOORRRBBBTTTTTTT! Where once the rides had held fun and light hearted screams, the sounds produced on the new Giantess ride were anything from the cheery side. BBBBLLLLLLRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTT! Janna grunted, sending one cart careening off the hinges into one of Hannah’s piles. Hannah chuckled, scooting her rump towards one of Jenna’s cars. PPPPPRRRRRUUUUOOOOOOTTTRRTT! “Hey, stay on your own side!” Janna said, only a light hearted complaint. She couldn’t stop giggling as her own fart momentum met Hannah’s, slowly drawing her patrons into the competing farts. Round and round the passengers spun, some landing in shit, others crashing with their own carts...the lucky ones died from lack of oxygen all together.

At the offset of the rides total structural breakdown, the two cut their losses and carried two extra carts in their hands. The groggy patrons screamed as they were lifted up, looking up into each Giantess and her swaying breasts as they exited the park. “So...Garden?” Janna asked with a yawn. Hannah giggled, dipping a finger into her makeshift snack bucket. The patrons screamed, as a trudge of shit and one screaming man inside was plucked up into her lips and gulped down like popcorn. “Boring! I’m not farting on plants...hey!” Janna giggled herself, stealing another human from Hannah’s trough and slurping his screaming body down her throat before Hannah could snatch him back. They ate, while walking, while bickering, as their snack buckets screamed and depleted themselves.