by American Wonton


The citizens of Los Neales already knew their death was upon them. Still, those under the center of the great Destrucis ran for cover, hearing her mighty booty rumble beneath them. Destrucis, in all her power and glory, could not hear their cries and only saw ants scurry beneath as she squatted low. Her magnificent black booty brought the night sky unto a daytime metropolitan area in seconds, crushing the skyscrapers that the humans had so defiantly perched upwards. They only covered a city corner, while her butthole, a cavernous expanse surrounded by miles of butt meat, covered blocks. The citizens could already smell it’s rank stench and blistering heat. All eyes suddenly stopped as a mighty growl commenced above. Her anus slowly expanded downward. It had begun.

FFFFBBBBRRRAAAALLLRRRAAAPPPPTTTTTTBBOOOTTTTT- all beneath the blast zone were vaporized. The mighty Goddess Destructis cried out in pleasure as her serenade of death began. -BBBLLLLRRRAAAAAOORRRPPPTTTTTTT!- taking on a different tone, her fart was ongoing, a constant stream of heat and death. Met somewhere between a mustard gas raid and a nuclear bomb, the impact set buildings on fire, people and other small objects flung….the most fortunate were instantly incinerated. -PPLLLLRRRSSSSSSSSSOOOOOPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! It had ended after 45 seconds of lethal, ear shattering noise. Destructis rose; she could smell her own brand of stink on her nose. She turned round and discovered why. The fart had expanded in a circular fashion, reaching every tunnel and bridge in the city. Those outside the blast zone soon became apart of the genocide as the gas expanded towards their living space. The tiny ants Destructis saw now resembled flies, dropping left and right in fits of screaming and coughing. Her gas continued across the horizon and a smile could be seen or her lips. Where her asshole had ripped, a crater had been torn, like an asteroid had been sent from the heavens. Or in this case hell. PPRRRRRPPPPPPPPTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Destrucis left her parting fart on the city, then strode onwards towards the sea. Visually, the destruction was already evident. The human philosophers would estimate some 85 million dead afterward.


Millions of tons of wet fart spray shot up from the booty of Destructis. She wasn’t evil in nature. If she was, her destructive behind would have stayed underwater while she swam. Billions of undersea life would be killed, affecting ecosystems everywhere. That was not her purpose. Although Destructis’ methods were harsh, they were necessary for the survival of the planet. First the invertebrates became too powerful, then the dinosaurs...then mammals after that...specifically, humans. FFFRRRSSSHHHLLLAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTT! Another loud, sharp sharting toot was sent to the sky, specifically, the ozone layer. That fart, was intended for them. If the infestation of man was to be cleared, one had to destroy their habitat and clear out their homes...which was why she was now headed for Meyun Nair, the second most dense city in the world. She had something special for them.

BBBLLLLLLRRRRRRAAABBBTTTT! PPRRRTTTTOOOOOOOOTTT! PPPRRRRRLLSSAAAAOOOBBTTTT! The farts were monumentally large. Farms were torn apart in one toot, villagers dropped dead without even coming within a mile of the deadly gas. Destructis wasn’t even aiming for them...but why not be efficient? So, she continued to crop dust, almost literally as she walked down the countryside. Her asshole purred freely throughout the land and she sighed in relief with every expanse of her asshole. PPPLLLLRRRRLRLLAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTTTTTTTT! She bent down, enjoying herself as one particularly loud, bubbly toot was aimed at a nearby town. Her asshole had been shut for millennia. She’d only let out a few small rippers underwater, undetectable to human intelligence. It was only when she could hold it in no longer did they start recognizing her gas as “climate change”. The climate would, certainly change without any humans. Destrucis heard their cries as her foot met a few of their friends and families. FFFFBBBBOOOOOOOOOOAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRBBTTT! She simply bent down, making sure to at least give them a quick death under her hot, stinky hole. She wasn’t merciless, but was still taken with an important duty with her booty. FFFFBBBLLLAAAPRRRRROOOOOOOOOTTTTTT! The humans didn’t see it that way. She felt a tiny tickle on her cheeks. Gunfire, tank shells, a few brave crashing planes. The humans were not only pitiful, but stupid in their attack. Her booty was too strong of a vantage point and even then, not her only one.

Destructis sighed, sitting backward. Close to a million soldiers were crushed underneath. She hadn’t felt a thing. PPPPLLBBBBBBBBFFFBBBAAABBLBLBLBBLBLBLBBBBBBTTTTTT! Her fart drowned out the death and destruction beath her mighty asscheeks. Then she rose, leaving another valley for future historian species to study.


The city of Muyan Neyur was going to meet the same fate as the rest of the world. Here, they were just as defenseless as Destrucis spread her asscheeks and bent her booty downward. They could only watch her butthole expand, narrating the final last moments they had with a glorious display of her power. And it was glorious,(if not horrendous) as her massive shit began to slide from her anus. It crashed with the size and speed of a spaceship...then, kept going.
FFFFFFFFFFRRRRRPOOOOOOOOOFFFTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSS! Small pockets of methane gas seeped with every push, sounding like a trio of dying steam engines. Her shit snaked along the ground and she gyrated her booty to adjust for the pile. It grew...and grew...and grew. Her subjects beneath simply dropped dead at the smell, no need for pressure here. Others were less fortunate, met with the shit as it crushed their hiding spaces, flooded their streets, coating their skin with liquid hot magma shit. For a full minute, the landscape turned into a hellscape. Finally, there was a sweet release.
BBBLLLLRRRRLLAAAAABBBPPPOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT! Destrucis sighed as her butthole ripped across the city square. Her shit mound’s smell traveled across the sky and ground and she could visibly see the stink lines running forth. She looked down and marveled at her creation. She hadn’t shat like that in milenia! It certainly had given her relief. She sat and rested,(killing a few thousand more quicker) and continued flexing her asshole, letting the occasional toot escape. FFFLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAABBBTTTTTT! BBBBLLLLRRRRRAAAAAABBBBTTTTTTT! In her grace, she pointed her stink towards the mounds of ants piling up, ensuring them a quick death under her booty.


Destrucis watched as the earth adjusted to it’s new environment. Her smell could be seen and smelled from miles over. The earth heated and cooled in strange patterns, just like in the ice ages before it. So, she moved to the poles, to incentivise the process further.

Luckily, the humans had killed off most species at the center. She felt no guilt as her piss rained upon the icecaps, quickly melting even the largest of them. BBBLLLLLRRRAAAPAPABBBOOOOTTTTTTT! Her continued farts, didn’t help, plunging even more CO2 and methane into the atmosphere. When she was done, a few ice slabs were left. She ate a few, then plunged the largest, most cylindrical one into her vagina. Poor humans...if only they were in touch with nature as she was.
Months passed and Destructis sat in reflection. This task was never easy...she wondered what,(if any) species would rise to the challenge next. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a, hundreds of boats floating in the water...towards her. They were the humans no doubt. Had she done her job correctly? Were there thousands more of these creatures, or only a small spared few, trying to seek refuge from their damage world?

Destructis made a judgement call. With her booty primed, she pointed herself towards the boat and let loose. BBBLLLRRRBBBOOOOPPPRRRRRRRLLLPPPPPPPPPBBTT- She pushed extra hard, knowing the consequences of her failure to conserve the planet-FBBOOOLLLLAABBBRRROOOTTTTT! The pressure and sound traveled underwater. When it surfaced, dozens of waves emerged, combating the ship's head on. Destrucis watched her fart rip the ships in half, with a few tipped over. The humans drowned, succumbing to the icy water and her fart bubbles popping, giving them a taste of her warmth and stink as their bodies simultaneously froze. A scary death, but necessary. She dove underwater, waiting for the Earth’s next big change.